Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dunsinane Waterfall


Colombo -> Gampola -> Thalavan Thanna -> Pandulu Oya Road (6 km)


·         It is important to have a bottle of water for consumption as well as an umbrella for protection from sunny/rainy conditions.

·         Do not leave anything behind except for your footprints. Do take back everything that you bring in.

·         Nature has the right to existence. It belongs to none other than the future generation. Nature gave life to your mother; hence polluting nature is more or less equal to harming your own mother.

Dedicated to all passionate tourists!

Situated between two picturesque estates, the Sheen Estate on one end and the Dunsinanee Estate on the other, the wild and lively Dunsinane Falls is simply another gift of nature.

In recognition of the two the estates on either side, this fall is known as Dunsinane Falls and Sheen Falls. It is also referred to as Pudalu Oya Falls representing the river that breathes life into it.

Pudalu Oya begins its journey at the Great Western, garners several streams on its way down, forms the sizzling Dunsinane Falls and then finally embraces the Kotmale Oya.

The Dunsinane Falls is 330 feet tall and only 1/3 of it is visible from the bridge. The lower 2/3 is attached to a power plant and as such, this section cannot be accessed for sightseeing purposes.

The beauty of this fall is second to no other. At a distance the Dunsinane Falls resembles the veil of a bride as it cascades innocently, though it seems to truly veil its steep incline. The Hindu temple to the left of the fall adds a spiritual value to it as well. 


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